Девочка, живущая в сети.
“They told you you can be anything. A beautiful astronaut . A soccer-playing ballerina. A superstar.
Then said here’s what you really are. With a label to size you up and box you in if you let it.
Step outside that box and forget it.
When someone labels you this or that use your “And” to take a stand.
With your legs and your voice and your head and your heart.
If someone says you’re smart say, “yes and…” If someone says you’re pretty say “yes and…” Help them understand.
You are polished nails and a polished mind. Raw and refined. Shy and bold. Not just what you are told. You are warmth and wisdom and grace and guts. No “ifs” or “buts” Just “Ands”

@темы: перепост/блокнот/на память